Parallelizability of 3-manifolds
\(3\)次元多様体について, 古くから知られている性質として, その tangent bundle が自明である, つまり parallelizable
Bias と Zuddas [BZ23] によると, Stiefel [Sti35] により最初に証明されたようである。この Bias と Zuddas
では, 新たな証明が与えられているが, 他に次のような文献が紹介されている。
- J.H.C. Whitehead の [Whi61]
- Gonzalo の [Gon87]
- Kirby の本 [Kir89] の Chapter VII
- Geiges の本 [Gei08] の section 4.2
- Fomenko と Matveev の本 [FM97] の ection 9.4
- Benedetti と Lisca の [BL18]
- Durst, Geiges, Pérez, Kegel の [Dur+20]
Riccardo Benedetti and Paolo Lisca. “Framing 3-manifolds with
bare hands”. In: Enseign. Math. 64.3-4 (2018), pp. 395–413. arXiv:
1806.04991. url: https://doi.org/10.4171/LEM/64-3/4-9.
Valentina Bais and Daniele Zuddas. “On Stiefel’s parallelizability of
In: Expo. Math. 41.1 (2023), pp. 238–243. arXiv: 2207.12881. url:
Sebastian Durst, Hansjörg Geiges, Jesús Gonzalo Pérez, and
Marc Kegel. “Parallelisability of 3-manifolds via surgery”. In:
Expo. Math. 38.1 (2020), pp. 131–137. arXiv: 1808.05072. url:
A. T. Fomenko and S. V. Matveev. Algorithmic and computer
methods for three-manifolds. Vol. 425. Mathematics and its
Applications. Translated from the 1991 Russian original by
M. Tsaplina and Michiel Hazewinkel and revised by the
authors, With a preface by Hazewinkel. Kluwer Academic
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Geiges. An introduction to contact topology. Vol. 109. Cambridge
Studies in Advanced Mathematics. Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 2008, pp. xvi+440. isbn: 978-0-521-86585-2. url:
Jesús Gonzalo. “Branched covers and contact structures”. In:
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 101.2 (1987), pp. 347–352. url:
Robion C. Kirby. The topology of \(4\)-manifolds. Vol. 1374. Lecture
Notes in Mathematics. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1989, pp. vi+108.
isbn: 3-540-51148-2. url: https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0089031.
Stiefel. “Richtungsfelder und Fernparallelismus in n-dimensionalen
Mannigfaltigkeiten”. In: Comment. Math. Helv. 8.1 (1935),
pp. 305–353. url: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01199559.
J. H. C. Whitehead. “The immersion of an open \(3\)-manifold in
euclidean \(3\)-space”. In: Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 11 (1961),
pp. 81–90. url: https://doi.org/10.1112/plms/s3-11.1.81.